

* UFPJ Oct 27th Anti-War, Anti-Violence Philly Event *

United for Peace & Justice is planning : 10 regional anti-war events nationwide on
Saturday, October 27.  
The events are focused on the theme:

In the Philadelphia/Camden area, the day will feature a human chain, which will go from the VA Hospital in West Phila, through Center City, with a large culminating Anti-War event at the Independence Hall/Constitution Ctr area.

Would you & your organization like to support this in a small ...or in a bigger way?
Want to do more?  Or, does your organization want to do more?  There are lots of opportunities to get involved, both on Oct 27th itself, and in preparation for that day.  You can do so

-- as an individual working with us,
-- or with your organization
        Just let us know what you or your organization would like to do!
        Here's a reply form for you to send back:

Name ________________________________________ 

Phone __________________________________________

e-mail _________________________________________

I want to give my support to this action. 
_____  I will come to the events on Oct 27

_____ I will aim to bring ___ (5)   ___  (10)   ___ (15+)   folks with me.

_____  We would like to provide a speaker at the Festival

_____  We would like to have an organizational table there.

_____  We would like to sponsor a segment of the "human chain" with a group from our organization        constituting ______links in that chain.

_____  We can provide some entertainment at the Festival.

_____I want to do something, but don't have the time or energy right now to do so.  I am willing to help with expenses that will be incurred to make this a success.  To make a tax deductible donation, make your check out to PAEF (Peace Action Education Fund) and send to the Coalition for Peace and Justice, 321 Barr Ave, Linwood NJ 08221.  For credit card payments, send your credit card information to the Coalition for Peace and Justice or call them at 609-601-8583.

If you would like to be on the Planning Committee, & or receive info on future meetings (taking place at Friends Center, 15th & Cherry, Philadelphia PA 19103) contact Marlena at or Nina at

* The next Planning Meeting is Friday Sep. 14, at 6:30 PM at Friends Ctr, 15th & Cherry, Philadelphia PA 19103.  *  We would love you to join us. *

Marlena Santoyo
UFPJ Mid-Atlantic Outreach Co-coordinator
Tel. (215)-247-4385,

"It is time for the American people to exercise their First Amendment rights to stand up, to speak out. Time to redirect the policies of this country. Time to learn and practice peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution. Time to believe in our capacity to evolve beyond war. To believe, and act upon the belief that war is not inevitable, that peace is inevitable - - if we are ready to commit to the daily work of peace building everywhere."
... Democratic Presidential Candidate, Dennis Kucinich


Code PINK Vigil near Sen. Casey's Office. 

This is the week Congress reconvenes to consider Gen Petreus' report and continued funding for the war/occupation of Iraq.  That makes this a very important time to outreach to citizens to contact Sen Casey and urge him not to continue funding.
        Please join us (with signs) Friday, September 7th 5 - 6 PM  19th & Market ST.
 Z for Code PINK Philly/ /

Philadelphia Town Hall Meeting /  Exiting Iraq: Military Experts Speak Out

      7:00 pm, Monday, September 10th
      17 Logan Hall, University of Pennsylvania , 249 S. 36th Street, Philadelphia
On the eve of General Petraeus' report to the US Senate on the status of the surge in Iraq, join three internationally known military experts discussing why it is necessary for the United States to bring our troops home from Iraq quickly and safely.  [Information on speakers below]  After their presentations, these experts will lead a discussion on steps you can take to help end this war.
We need to show President Bush and his supporters in Congress that Pennsylvanians are fed up with his plans to occupy Iraq for fifty years, so help make his town hall standing room only.
gRSVP by going to:
        For more information, contact:  Jeff Garis, Penn Action, at and 215-701-8081.  PDF fliers available via email for distribution; email Jeff to receive the file as an attachment.
SPEAKERS: General John Johns (ret), Col. Dick Klass (ret.), Former Congressman Tom Andrews (Maine)
Sponsored by Win Without War, Penn Faculty & Staff Against War, and Penn Action   -


A Tashlich Ritual to Cast off the Sins of the Israeli Military
Occupation of Palestine,
with prayer, poetry, and song.

DATE: Thursday, September 13, 2007, 4:30 PM
LOCATION: Martin Luther King Drive (aka West River Drive) near Parking Lot 5,
between Montgomery Drive and Sweetbrier, near the Disabled Rowing Club.

Sponsored by the Philadelphia Chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace.
All are welcome.
For more information: Philly @ or 215.753.8041

September 17, 5PM, RUSH HOUR "DIE-IN" DEMO, west side of
Phila. City Hall, 15th & Market, Phila., PA - in response to the
Petraeus Report* to Congress. You are invited for a short period to
lie in lifeless position dramatizing what continued war in Iraq means!
"Death: The War's Only Victor!"

National NOW's position on immigration policy.
Olga Vives to speak about immigration policy and its impact on women and families.
         Tuesday Oct. 16 at Community College of Philadelphia at 12:30p.m.

ONGOING EVENTS (Daily/Weekly):

Contact members of Congress
a. Capitol Switchboard is 1-800-828-0498 or 1-866-340-9281 to call 
anyone in Congress.
b. Use the following excellent link:

5-6 PM - Newtown Peace Vigil  at the corner of the Newtown By-
Pass,route 332, and the Newtown-Richboro Road.
                 For more information, call Sister Jean at 215-968-2262.

6:00-9:00 p.m.   Weekly ACT UP Meeting  St. Luke's Church, 330 S. 13th St., Philadelphia, PA.
                            For info, email

5:00-7:00 p.m.   Radio Show: "Labor to Neighbor" with hosts Janet  Ryder, Pat Eiding & Pete Matthews
                           900 AM WURD--215-634-8065.

6-7 PM - Doylestown Peace Vigil  at the intersection of State and  Main in Doylestown.
                 All are welcome to join  and we have signs to use if  you wish.

7:00-9:00 p.m.   Organizing Meeting, Toviah Thrift Shop Chestnut St.
                 (between 42nd & 43rd) Call (215) 382-7251, box 1 for info  
                 Sponsored by Neighbors Against McPenntrification

4:30-5:30 p.m. Peace Vigil  Federal Building, 601 Market St., Philadelphia, PA
                         Sponsored by House of Grace Catholic Worker
                         For info, email .

5:00 p.m.     Vigil for Peace Outside Unitarian Society of  Germantown, 6511 Lincoln Dr., Philadelphia, PA. For info, see

7:00 p.m.   Peace Vigil Germantown Ave. & Bethlehem Pike, Chestnut  Hill, Philadelphia, PA
                    For info, see http://

6-7 PM - Levittown Vigil for Peace and Remembrance.
         Meet/park at 1631 Edgely Road in Levittown and walk  to corner of Rt. 13 and Edgely.
         Sponsored by PA Action. Call Robin at 267-240-9819 

NOON: Grandparents (Bubbies & Zaydes) for Peace in the Middle East
                 Plan to join us any Friday on S 15th Street above  Locust.
                 Vigil and witness for justice and peace in Palestine/ Israel.

4:30 p.m.   Anti-war leafleting and picket Market & 11th Sts.,  Philadelphia, PA.
                   For info, email

5:00 p.m.   Vigil--Women in Black
                    Swarthmore Train Station, Park Ave. & Chester  Rd., Swarthmore, PA
                     For info, email

5-5:30 PM - Phoenixville Peace Vigil at corner of Bridge and Main in downtown Phoenixville.

5-6 PM -  Honk for Peace on Final Friday (every month)  at Broad and Cherry/in front of the Recruiters Office. Stand with signs and conviction until the war is  finally over- remembering the  American soldiers have who have died in Iraq  and scores of Iraqis whose names will never be known. Take your stand, lend your support, bring a sign.
                Celeste Zappala, Gold Star Families Speak Out

9:30 PM -  Bill Moyers Journal on PBS.
           Veteran journalist Bill Moyers returns to PBS with  a weekly public affairs series.
10:30PM -  David Brancachio's NOW, on PBS

10-11 AM - Sellersville Peace Vigil at Main St. and Temple Ave.
                     sponsored by Upper Bucks Coalition for Peace Action.
                     Call Angela at 215-257-1300 for more information.

10:00 a.m. to noon - "Talking Union" weekly call-in radio show, 1340 AM

11AM-Noon - Bryn Mawr Honk to Impeach Rally will be held at the 
                Lancaster Ave and Bryn Mawr Ave. intersection
            by Ludington Library. Sponsored by Main Line Citizens for Impeachment.
                Call Jane Dugdale at 610-527-4170.

Noon-1:00 p.m.   Peace Vigil Rte. 38 & Cherry Hill Mall Dr., Cherry  Hill, NJ
                         For info, email

1:00-2:00 p.m.   Protest at Ferber Furs 1708 Walnut St.,  Philadelphia, PA
                            For info, email

7:30 p.m.  Books Through Bars Packing Cafe The A Space, 4722 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia, PA
                       Help pack books to send to prisoners.   Email
8 a.m., noon, 7 p.m., midnight, TV program "Democracy Now"
          with Amy Goodman DUTV Ch. 54 on WYBE (Channel 20 or 35 in some areas;
            3,48,62,99 in others.
          You can also listen daily on the internet at


SEPTEMBER IN DC: It's Time to Act

September 5th- Welcome Back Congress
press conference at Independence & New Jersey with CODEPINK, Iraq Vets Against the War, UFPJ, and the Washington Peace Center to announce the peace movement's fall plans

10:30 Press Conference was followed by a creative action involving sheep and created by the Backbone Campaign:
The Backbone Campaign will be on the Hill on Wednesday delivering Spineless Citations to 31 Democrats who voted in August in favor of the Protect America [and eliminate the Fourth Amendment]

Sept. 6, 7 & 8th: Call Congress! This one is for everybody. Call your representative and your two senators at 202-224-3121 or 800-828-0498. Tell them: I want you to act now to end the war and occupation of Iraq. The Congress has the Constitutional right and a moral responsibility to use the power of the purse to withdraw all U.S. soldiers and contractors from Iraq on a rapid and binding schedule. Four and a half years of this war is too long - it has to end now!

Monday, September 10th
Join the March 4 Peace as they arrive in DC! Come meet the dedicated folks who walked from San Francisco to DC and help us give them the warm welcome they deserve.
10am - gather at the Arlington metro stop
1pm - rally in front of the White House
3pm - Civil Disobedience Training
followed by a camp-out at starting at sundown! click here for more info

Sept. 11: March of the People Arrives in DC just in time for the White House's expected sales pitch for extending the occupation:

September 11th: Night of Mourning at Lafayette Park with CODEPINK, Critical Voice, and the Raging Grannies from 3pm 'til late at 3rd St & The Capitol Building
(wear your "We Will Not Be Silent" shirts, click here to buy shirts)

Sept. 11: Washington, D.C.: 3 PM to 7 AM following day, all night vigil in front of Tower Guard, by the Capitol Building, with the Action Response Team reading 12,000 impeachment cards with messages from people all over the Country to impeach Bush and Cheney! Come join and read some of these incredible hand written messages.

September 12th - Day of Rage at Nancy Pelosi's office
Join with CODEPINK, Critical Voice, and the Raging Grannies as we call for the impeachment of Bush & Cheney, 10am march to Pelosi's office

Sept. 12: 11 AM, deliver 12,000 impeachment messages to Nancy Pelosi personally. All are welcome to attend and stay for a nice chat with the Democratic Leader!

September 12th, 7-9pm
CODEPINK DC Community Potluck, 712 5th St NE, between G & H, 5 blocks from Union Station
Join activists from around the country and the DC area to eat, drink, and connect. Bring something to share (and if you can't bring food or drink, just bring yourself!)

Sept. 12: "Tell the Truth" event outside your local media outlet:

September 13th: Karaoke Peace Party at Madam's Organ, from 8pm 'til late
Madam's Organ is located at 2461 18th St NW

September 14th - Good Riddance Gonzo!
Happy Hour at the Justice Department
4pm at 9th & Constitution NW

Sept. 14-21: Days of Decision, nonviolent action at congressional offices to end the occupation of Iraq:

Thousands of Americans from around the country will join together in Washington, D.C., to demand the impeachment of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush and insist on the immediate end to the occupation in Iraq. Please join us:

Or hold a local event:

Use the occassion of September 15 to hold an impeachment rally in your town. You'll find big marches in Alabama, Kansas, and Florida on the calendar, and several more here. Hold your own. Visit your congress member's offices. Hold a Honk-to-Impeach event. Hold a sit-in. Screen a video. Event resources are here:

Sept. 16: Lobby training in Washington, D.C., and organizing meetings, issue briefings, legislative updates, state caucuses. Grassroots America, Iraq Vets Against the War, A.N.S.W.E.R., Veterans for Peace, AfterDowningStreet, and many other organizations have planned a full day of opportunities for networking and advocacy training:

Sept. 17: Constitution Day, Goodbye Gonzo Day, and National Truth in Recruiting Day: Iraq Veterans Against the War is launching a Truth in Recruiting campaign on September 17, 2007. IVAW chapters around the country, including Washington DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia, will be holding local events, but you don't need an IVAW chapter in your area to participate:

Sept. 18: Congressional Challenge Day: If you can be in Washington, D.C., plan to go with us to visit your Congress Member and Senators:

Sept. 20: Rivers of Blood - A Day of Non-Violent Resistance in DC: There will be a legal and logistical briefing on September 19 at 6:30 p.m. followed by a day of nonviolent action on Capitol Hill:

Sept. 20: Protest Racism in Jena, La. On September 20th, Mychal Bell--the first of the Jena 6 to be convicted--is scheduled for sentencing. If the District Attorney has his way, Mychal will face 22 years in prison. It's a horrifying moment for Mychal, his parents, and the rest of the Jena 6 families. It's also a perfect time for those who can to come to Jena, in person, and stand with them:

Sept. 21: International Day of Peace / Iraq Moratorium Day! On September 21 and on every subsequent Third Friday, millions of Americans will break with their daily routine to take some concrete step to demand an end to the war and the return home of the troops. The hallmark will be the wearing of black ribbons and armbands, in mourning for all of those who have died in this senseless adventure: Also in Spanish:

Sept. 25: New York City, NY: 8:30 AM to ALL DAY LONG: George Bush visits the UN General Assembly, we will not allow the time of his visit to go unnoticed! Join in marches around the city, acts of CD, and lots of other events to show the world we want the war criminal out of our city!

Sept. 22-29: Stop the War at Home and Abroad! Troops Out Now! Impeach Bush & Cheney for War Crimes! End All Occupations -- from Iraq to Palestine to Haiti to the Philippines!

SEPT 22-29: Encampment in Front of Congress to STOP the War (will include an Impeachment Day)

- Parallel Encampment and Demo in Los Angeles

SEPTEMBER 29: National March on Washington:
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq 1,028,907
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America'sWar On Iraq 3752
Cost of U.S. War and Occupation of Iraq/ $448,957,902,281
See the cost in your community